Minor updates

This is just a minor update of the main zine PDF, to fix a few issues before I order a small print run. These are things that I noticed in the initial draft as I was getting ready for Gamehole Con, but I didn’t have time to fix them then, and they remained unfixed while I worked on additional content after the con.

Changes in Digital Edition: 20231128

  • Give the quick-start attributes table more variety. The method I originally used for generating the attribute pairs fell into the same trap I wrote about in the first article - all the warriors were kinda dumb, and all the wizards were physically weak.
  • Add a bit more treasure to the adventure. Most of it is still in the upcoming second part, but I wanted to spread it out a bit and also get rid of the copper pieces.
  • Make a few other small edits to the text.

I don’t think there will be any more content updates unless new issues are discovered. I’m looking forward to starting on ODD Hack #2 very soon.

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